Notifications (Supply-side)
The Retail Media Platform uses notifications to let you know when notable events that may require your attention occur in your account. Notification-triggering events fall into two categories:
Validation and Approval
For Onsite Display line items, you’ll receive a notification when:
Line item proposal is submitted for approval
Line item creative submitted for approval
Budget hit
For both Onsite Display and Sponsored Products line items running in the Demand Side of your Supply account, you’ll receive a notification when:
A line item hits its daily budget cap
A line item hits its monthly budget cap
Notification Types
There are two different ways you can be notified when these events occur.
In-app notifications are accessible from the new bell icon in the top right corner of the UI. Clicking the bell icon opens a notifications panel where you can view individual notifications. Clicking on any of the notifications in the panel will take you directly to the relevant line item so you can execute any actions you’d like, such as raising a daily budget cap. In-app notifications are enabled by default.
You can also opt in to receive notification emails triggered by a specific event. The email will be sent to the email address registered to your account and contain a link to the impacted line item.

Notification Settings (Supply-side)
To change your notification settings:
Access Account Settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the dashboard.
On the left side, click Notifications under User Preferences.
You will see the list of available notification types on the resulting Notifications page. Next to each type, you can select if you wish to receive the notification in-app (in the UI) and/or by email.
The first row of checkboxes under the In-App and Email column titles allows all notifications of that type to be turned off/on in bulk.
If you select neither choice, you will not receive the relevant notification. By default, all in-app notifications will turned ON and all email notifications turned OFF.