Commerce Insights
Commerce Insights in Commerce Yield (for eligible retailers) helps you gain next-level insights to optimize your inventory, monetize valuable insights for your advertisers, and scale and grow your Retailer Media Networks.
We offer a variety of reports based on your needs and situation that help you understand what's holistically driving your business, where your opportunities lie, and how to best measure your performance.
It enables you to facilitate day-to-day optimizations and identify to drive more efficiency across campaigns for your advertisers.
To access Commerce Insights in CYield:
Login to your account, and click on the Insights tab located on the main menu.
Select a report from the Report dropdown, and adjust the Type and Time-Period to view the Insights.

Filters and Tips
Select the desired department and/or category from the L1-L3 drop-down lists. Alternatively, hit the up & down arrows (↑ ↓) to drill down to the next tree level.
To order the data by a specific KPI, simply click on the column title of interest.
If you click on a category or brand name, the data will refresh to only reflect your selection. To select more than one item, press and hold the Command key (Mac) or Ctrl+Alt (Windows). To undo, simply click again on your selection(s).
Benchmark tables allow you to compare a retailer department (L1) to the specific categories that you have selected under it (L2, L3). This gives you a sense of how important the selected L2 or L3 category(ies) is, inside its L1 department.
Click on the toggle to open the Help section. There you can find a reminder of what the report is about, how to use it, and metric definitions.
Click on the reports below to learn about them in detail.