Campaign Attribution Settings
The conversion cycle can be drastically different between a shopper buying groceries and a shopper buying a TV. The return on ad spend (ROAS) measurement can also differ depending on the objectives (lower or upper funnel) and the ad formats that are running. Find more on attribution in our "About Attribution" article.
Customize attribution settings to fit the campaign's goal by selecting which Lookback Window to use and defining the Product Match for both Post-Click and Post-View conversions.
The Lookback Window is the eligible period between a sales transaction and an ad event. The Product Match is the relationship between the purchased product and the advertised one.
Lookback Window
You can choose from the following Lookback Window options:
Post-Click Settings
Lookback Window:
7 Days, 14 Days, 30 Days (Default)
Product Match:
Demand Brand Account
Same Product
Same Product, Same Category (Default)
Same Product, Same Category, Same Brand
Demand Seller Account
Same Product
Same Product, Same Category (Default)
Same Product, Same Category, Same Seller
Post-View Settings
Lookback Window options:
No Post-View, 1 Day (Default), 7 Days, 14 Days, 30 Days
Product Match options:
Demand Brand Account
Same product (Default)
Same product, Same category
Same product, Same category, Same brand
Demand Seller Accounts
Same Product (Default)
Same Product, Same Category
Same Product, Same Category, Same Seller
By default, the following Attribution Settings will be used unless edited:
Post-Click: 30 Days, Same Product + Same Category
Post-View: 1 Day, Same Product
Attribution Settings
In the beginning, we recommend using the standard attribution window to compare apples to apples. As more campaigns are turned on, consider changing the model to see the impact of those changes.
You can edit the attribution settings after creating the campaign and launching line items in Campaign Settings.
Note that when adjusting attribution settings there will be up to a 2-hour delay before the new settings are reflected in reporting. They will be retroactively applied to the full extent of the campaign.
To learn more about our attribution settings and model, go to the "About Attribution" article.